Originally constructed as an Interactive Experience

How does a social movement create systemic change within society?

What factors influence the success or failure of a campaign for social change?


The following project is an attempt at understanding this complex subject employing a Systems Thinking approach. It is important to also acknowledge this is a condensed representation of a much more intricate system – conveying those elements that stood out as most common and significant through research.


Understanding through systems mapping

Identifying Leverage Points

Because of inherent complexity and conflict within social frameworks, the ability to affect change, is not guaranteed – instead it requires the alignment of many disparate variables and often significant time. Based on a series of system leverage points developed by Donella Meadows, I highlighted three that could support progressive Social Change. Pictured is the last, Changing Mindsets and Paradigms.

Purposing a possible solution

Applying the prototype solution to the System of Social Change

View the entire Interactive Experience

Using Format